How can I access ClinicalKey and Clinical Skills for Nursing?
ClinicalKey & Clinical Skills can be found via either:
a) the Nursing Subject Guide found here: OR
b) the Databases page found here:
Select ‘C’ from the A-Z selection and choose ClinicalKey & Clinical Skills
Use the following details if prompted to sign in:
Email =
Password = your Connect/network password
If you are already logged into Connect, ClinicalKey will open automatically. If the red TAFE Queensland logo is visible at the top of the screen, you are logged in.
Note: For a more personalised experience, you can opt to Register with ClincialKey and login to save content and create presentations. To register, select Register > Create an Account in the top right corner of ClinicalKey.
The link for Clinical Skills can be found via the main page of ClinicalKey. This section contains comprehensive, evidence-based tutorials for a range of nursing skills.
Due to licencing restrictions, only Diploma of Nursing students and staff are eligible to access ClinicalKey. However, you can still access other nursing databases listed in our Subject Guide here.