Answered By: Belinda M Last Updated: Feb 14, 2025 Views: 982
How do I read and download an eBook?
eBooks purchased by TAFE Queensland Library Network are generally purchased from either ProQuest or EBSCOhost.
While the appearance of the eBook reader used to view the eBook may differ depending on the platform, the functionality remains the same.
When viewing or downloading an eBook, use the following details if prompted to sign in:
Email =
Password = your Connect password
For staff this will be your TAFE Queensland email address and network password.
EBSCO eBooks
Clicking on the Access now (eBook) or Access options button in your search results list will open the eBook directly in the EBSCO online eBook viewer.
Some eBooks will provide an option to view using PDF full text or EPUB full text. EPUB is a format that allows you to increase the size of the font, enabling you to optimize the viewing experience on desktop computers, smart phones and tablets.
The top toolbar of the eBook viewer has a range of options including Full eBook download. This option allows you to check-out and download the eBook and read it on your computer or device when you are not connected to the internet.
Note: In order to download eBooks, you must have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer or device. This is a free download available here: ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS Download
To download an EBSCO eBook:
Please note that not all eBooks will have the option to be downloaded and viewed offline. It will depend on publisher permissions if this option is available.
1. Click the Full eBook download link from the top toolbar in the eBook viewer or click on the Download button from the detailed item record.
2. You will be prompted to log into your MyEBSCO account. The log in details are the same as your TAFE Queensland student login details listed above. If you are already logged into Connect or TAFE Queensland Library Network, it will automatically sign you in upon clicking on 'sign in'.
3. A download box will appear. Here you are able to select Chapters only download, or Full eBook download. If you are downloading the full eBook you will be prompted to select a loan period and download format (PDF or EPUB). Tick the box to confirm that Adobe Digital Editions is installed on your computer or device or click on the link to access a free download.
4. Once you have downloaded the book, the eBook is checked out and downloaded to your computer or device.
5. When a downloaded eBook is opened, it is displayed in Adobe Digital Editions.
6. Once the download period is up, the eBook will expire and return to the online TAFE Queensland Library Network.
ProQuest eBooks
If viewing a ProQuest eBook from your TAFE Queensland Library Network search results list, clicking on the Access now button from the TAFE Queensland Library Network search results list will open a detailed book record. The record includes access options, a description of the book, table of contents, publisher permission and citation tools.
Choose Read Online to view the book in the ProQuest online eBook viewer or choose Download Book to check-out and download to view offline.
Note: In order to download eBooks, you must have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer or device. This is a free download available here: ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS Download
To Download a ProQuest eBook
Please note that not all eBooks will have the option to be downloaded and viewed offline. It will depend on publisher permissions if this option is available.
1. From the detailed item record click on Download Book. You can also choose to download a single chapter by clicking on the 'Download PDF' link next to the chapter title in the Table of Contents.
2. You will be prompted to open the book in the ProQuest online book viewer first. Click on Open book.
3. Click on the Full download icon in the top tool menu.
4. You will be prompted to select your device and install Adobe Digital Editions. You can skip this step if Adobe Digital Editions is already installed on your computer or device.
5. The next screen gives you an option to select a loan length and download format (EPUB or PDF). Select Download Your Book once you have made your selections.
3. Once you have downloaded the book, the eBook is checked out and downloaded to your computer or device.
4. When a downloaded eBook is opened, it is displayed in Adobe Digital Editions.
5. Once the download period is up, the eBook will expire and return to the online TAFE Queensland Library Network.
For more information on accessing eBooks, please view the recorded session on Digital Resources available on the recorded virtual sessions page of the TAFE Queensland Library Network website or complete our interactive tutorial on eBooks.