How can I access PlantFile Online?
Note: if you are experiencing issues logging in, log in via My Account, then click on this link for Plantfile.
The steps to access Plantfile Online are as follows:
1. Go to the TAFE Queensland Library Network home page -
2. Scroll down and select 'Click here to access databases' -
3. Select ‘P’ from the A-Z selection and choose Plantfile Online
4. Select 'Login to access'
5. Select 'Access resource'
Use the following details if prompted to sign in:
Email =
Password = your Connect/network password
6. For staff access, use your TAFE Queensland email address and network password followed by Two-factor authentication code.
N.B. You can access extra tools from PlantFile Online by selecting Login at the top right corner. Select Register Here > Complete the form to ‘Create an Account’. Once you’ve registered your details, an email will be sent to verify your account.
Click on PlantFile Online Help on top right tab for some of the features offered once registered.