How can I access WGSN (World Global Style Network)?
WGSN can be found via either:
a) the Fashion Subject Guide
b) the Database A-Z page found here:
Select ‘W’ from the A-Z menu and choose WGSN (World Global Style Network)
Use the following details if prompted to sign in:
Email =
Password = your Connect/network password
For staff access, use your TAFE Queensland email address and network password followed by Two-factor authentication code.
WGSN includes current online information and graphics, videos, reports, press releases and trend predictions for apparel, style, design, and retail industries.
Note: For Fashion students only. Only available at: Mooloolaba, Southbank and Mt Gravatt campuses. Users will need to create an account On Campus for Off Campus access. Accounts are valid for 90 days.