How can I access online magazines & newspapers?
You can find online magazines and newspapers through our TAFE Queensland Library Network databases by following the instructions below:
Go to TAFE Queensland Library Network homepage:
Scroll down and select 'Click here to access databases' -
From the A-Z list, select the appropriate link:
Select Flipster for online magazines, or
Select Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre for online newspapers.
Use the following details if prompted to sign in:
Email =
Password = your Connect/network password
For staff access, use your TAFE Queensland email address and network password followed by Two-factor authentication code.
What are these databases?
Flipster provides you with access to a diverse range of popular magazine titles; including Choice, Australian Guitar, Gardening Australia, 3D World, and much more.
The Australia/NZ Reference Centre includes full text and abstracts of Australasian & New Zealand magazines, reference books, newspapers, and newswires, plus an image collection of photos, maps and flags.
N.B. Search for keywords using the basic or advanced search functions.