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Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025     Views: 458

How do I use the catalogue?

Use the Quickfind search tool to search TAFE Queensland Library Network for books, eBooks, articles and more.

Basic Searching

For a Basic search you can enter your topic words (keyword/s) in the search box and hit the Search button.

  • The search results will be displayed showing brief details, including location and availability details.
  • Click on a title to display full details including location and availability details.
  • If the item is a print item, take note of the Call Number as this is where you will find the item on the shelves.
  • Also note any Access Details to see if there are copies available for loan.
  • You will need to log in to access online resources such as databases, streamed videos and e-books (see below)

Logging in to access online resources

Email =
Password = your Connect/network password

For staff access, use your TAFE Queensland email address and network password followed by Two-factor authentication code.

See a short video on basic searching here: Basic Searching on the New Interface - Tutorial

Ask-a-Librarian if you would like help with the search!

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