How do I log in to TAFE Queensland Library Network website?
The TAFE Queensland Library Network website is found here -
When you enrol at TAFE Queensland, a TAFE Queensland Library Network account is automatically created for you in our system and will become active 14 days before your start of study date. To access full text articles, eBooks, databases or other TAFE Queensland Library Network resources, you will be prompted to log in.
Use the following details when prompted to sign in:
Email =
Password = your Connect/network password
For staff use your TAFE Queensland email address and network password. Staff accessing TAFE Queensland Library Network resources for the first time will need to contact the library to organise an account to be set up.
At the bottom of the TAFE Queensland Library Network home page under 'Quicklinks' you will see the link 'Login to my Library Account'.
Here -
MyAccount allows you to:
Note: If you are having issues accessing your TAFE Queensland Library Network account, you can try clearing your cache or resetting your password. Otherwise, contact the TAFE Queensland Library Network staff during business hours for assistance.